Copy these 4 moves to swing like Nelly Korda

nelly korda swings

Nelly Korda has one of the sweetest swings in all of golf.

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There are few things I enjoy more than talking about Nelly Korda’s swing. We’ve been working together for a while now, and I still marvel at how some of her positions match with the fantastic looks of golf ’s all-time greats — players like Bobby Jones, Mickey Wright and Tiger Woods. 

As you might imagine, it’s been a pleasure to coach her. But what can Nelly do for you? Below are four things you can copy.

1. She is “in it” and “on it” up top, but “out of the way” down below. 

2. Nelly maintains the key angles at impact that she established at address: spine angle (or forward tilt), leg position and side bend. 

3. The clubhead is releasing freely without undue manipulation. 

4. Her right arm and shaft are moving as if they’re one piece. This is extension at its finest and a huge key for stabilizing the clubface. 

Jamie Mulligan is a GOLF Top 100 Teacher and is the CEO of Virginia CC in Long Beach, Calif.

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Jamie Mulligan