How tight should you grip the club on wedge shots? Expert explains

What's the correct grip pressure when hitting a wedge shot?
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Q: Dear Chef, how much does grip pressure really impact wedge shots? I’ve been told to have “dead hands,” but I just can’t get the feel for it. —Tim L., Atlantic City, N.J.
My grip pressure changes based on different shots around the greens. For instance, my grip pressure feels much different on a flop shot versus a bunker shot. The “dead hands” feel you’re talking about is usually in reference to how much wrist action you’re using.
When you’re gripping a wedge for a 60-yard shot, you should have a slightly firm grip on the club. Where most people get this wrong is when they allow this firmer grip pressure to creep into their forearms, elbows and shoulders.
I had a great teacher, Pam Barnett, who would always check the firmness of my grip but also the softness in my elbows at setup. Do likewise.
Parker McLachlin is a GOLF Teacher to Watch and short-game expert. Learn more from McLachlin at